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Zamorak Cult is a great community of people, that has existed in some form or fashion since the beginnings of RuneScape.

We're always wishing to grow in number, as soon the day of reckoning shall be upon us, when all of Zamorak's legions must join together to rise up and fight against the deity known as Zaros.

We are the biggest and oldest Zamorak clan in RuneScape.  We have a good variety of members, not all of them follow Zamorak, but please do not bring any drama into the Cult, as it has enough drama within the lore itself to suffice, without the excess from its members.  Please leave the drama to the dramatists who write the lore for our deity, Zamorak.  We do events galore, and attempt to help out our members as much as possible.  We represent liberation, freedom, and fun; while we exist as a "Peaceful Chaos.


Activity of Zamorak Cult

Zamorak Cult is active. The following two major subsections are where the Cult's activities are truly defined: Internal and External. Within Internal, we have a subsection dedicated to explaining our onsite/offsite activity as it is all internal with respect to those.

Internal Activity

Starting out, back when we were but a small council of young adults, our rules were relatively simple: don't be a jerk and you can stay. There were no formal rules of how to act/behave whilst being at our events or whilst being involved with the clan really until after the friend chat system was developed in August of 2007. Shortly after the friend chats were developed, some of the cultists took major initiative and helped implement a rough rule system called: General Code. General code was primarily written by a player named Tankot. Help was given in constructing it and with writing it by Kmetz3, Lauren, Fear296, and Unca Milfy. General Code became the standard rulebook for the cc, it involved a three warn system for rule breakers that broke the simple rules contained within the Code.


As time passed on, General Code was changed and altered heavily, soon we moved on to a two warn system for kick ranks to use when dealing with rule breakers of the Zamorak Cult. Players were banned after being known as repeat offenders of the system.This two warn system has had its rulebook refined and redone multiple times, with many rules being added as the times called for them.











Offsite activity is simple enough as we aren't allowed to go into detail, ask inside the clanchat. Onsite activity outside of the game is great. We have been in use of the RuneScape Official forums for many many years. During the July-December 2011 term, we broke off entirely from the official public forums to the RSCF, RuneScape Clan forums. We use the clan forums extensively. Here we relay information to people about just about all our happenings within the game and chat. We also have information here about ranks, events, and all sorts of other things. Our onsite activity also extends to Jagex's game: WOL. In the game of WOL we have a large player base that uses the Emerald Paradise server. We prefer to keep all our Cult activity focused around RuneScape though, and do not typically promote other games for that purpose, as we aren't able to maintain an organised footing on other games since on other games we would have to rewrite our structure to maintain as they have different chatting and interacting ways than here on RS that simply would not work.

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External Activity

Zamorak Cult's external activity is regulated by its royal triumvirate. Over the history of the Cult's existence, we have always pledged not to do formal alliances with other clans; however, this has not hindered us from holding a prominent spot within the Greater Clan Community. Having been on world 70 for as many years as we have, we have certainly made a name for ourselves. Excellent diplomacy exists between ourselves and most all of the major clans with home bases on world 70. We also are on good terms with many clans represented within the CLF and RSB. Our policy of no formal alliances has actually aided us and others in many ways, as it allows us to assist our fellow Zamorakian clans in their times of need when their warring efforts are not great, yet with our help can be. We do not actively seek wars with other clans, and never have we seeked hostile wars with another clan. We take part in friendly wars as they come to us, if we can come to agreed terms and come up with the numbers on the given day. We do not take part in the warring on any of the ladders within the RSB nor the offsite boards. One of the leaders, Normy, does represent the Cult as he acts as a mentor official within the RSB and puts forth ideas. We were once apart of the Jagex ran triumvirate, but did not take part in any of its activities after it became a player run organisation, as it lost most of its steam and stopped offering any serious clan related activities for us to be involved with. For matters of external clan diplomacy please message one of the four leaders, Vorlon, Roxie53, Normy and Dragorak, when you see them online if you have an issue or query concerning us with your external affairs.

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