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History of Leadership and Current Leadership

The following three subsections detail how the cult is governed today, how it came to be the way it is today, and the past. The first subsection concerns the history of leadership and makes mention of past leaderships. The second subsection details the current leadership of permanent Royalty and the temporary Ministers. The third subsection details how we came upon choosing a cabinet to help serve the Cult and how the four leaders (Vorlon, Roxie53, Normy and Dragorak), came to be in the positions of leadership they currently are in today.


History of Leadership

The Zamorak Cult has gone through various forms of government, ranging from the initial coterie of young adults leading our organization, to a quadrumvirate of sorts, to a Cult led soley by its royal family, to what we have here today: An Organization led primarily by its four leaders: Vorlon, Roxie53, Normy and Dragorak, accompanied by its cabinet of ten Ministers. They are the only four members of the Zamorak Cult with Key ranks within the clan chat.


In the days of the use of friend chat, August 2007 to April 2011, we had been under a similar structure to our current form of government; however, there were two separate ranks underneath the rank of Minister equivalent with the authority to kick. The rank of Minister Equivalent was General/Golden Star. The two ranks underneath it were Lieutenant and Captain. Lieutenant and Captain ranks had the ability to warn players and kick players from Vorlon's friend chat. Every Minister equivalent had been allowed to have one captain and one lieutenant. For a while, royalty also had maintained a Captain and Lieutenant rank each.


Prior to the use of friend chats, we were led and governed strictly by a Royal Family for an indefinite amount of time. The ruling body of the royal family at that time had consisted of King Vorlon and Queen Roxie primarily. The rest of the Royal Family had consisted of their children. The Royal Family had replaced a miniature quadrumvirate consisting of Vorlon and three others in power. The miniature quadrumvirate that had been dominated by Vorlon was the replacement and lasting remains and remnants of the coterie of young adults that had started up the Zamorak Cult a few years prior.


Current Leadership

The Cabinet of Ministers hold the rank of Coordinator within the Clan Chat. They are formerly known as Generals, as their rank was that of the General whilst still taking part in the Friend chat prior to April of 2011. The cabinet of Ministers consists of ten individual players who vow not to account share in any way, shape, or form during their six months as Ministers.


Every six months we change the set of Ministers that are currently in office out. Players may serve consecutive terms as Minister. The Ministers help vote in new rule policies for the cult. It takes a majority of six votes to bring in a new rule; in the event of a tie, one of the four leaders, Vorlon, Roxie53, Normy and Dragorak, may break the tie and cast the deciding vote. By executive authority, the four leaders can institute changes to the Zamorak Cult's structure, rules, etc, without requiring a vote. Vorlon is forever King, and likewise Roxie53, Normy and Dragorak will forever hold their statuses as leaders of the Zamorak Cult.


Every Minister is allowed to have up to two Generals or Admins serve underneath them as subranks, working as kick ranks. This right is held by each Minister from the beginning of their term till the end of their term unless they lose this right by a majority vote/decision by the other Ministers or if it is stripped from them by a Leader. The subranks that a Minister chooses to serve underneath them cannot be stolen by another Minister nor deranked by another Minister unless there is a majority vote by the Ministers. The two Generals and/or Admins that a Minister selects to serve under them may be replaced at any given time at the discretion of the Minister who selected them. The two subranks are to be trained by the Minister within 48 hours of having been publicly selected and promoted to such rank.


Explanation of the current style of government

The current royal quadrumvirate came to be as such after many trying years of the Zamorak Cult's development as a whole.


Vorlon started out in 2001 as part of the council that formed the Zamorak Cult. He worked hard to grow his character alongside it. Both seemed to develop at a constant rate with each other. Starting out both as sort of nooby by having events where you died to something stronger than you- at the time was a Barbarian, to going against lesser demons, to going against KBD and then finally the chaos elemental. Vorlon's leadership shined through as he soon became the authority within the Cult. It was not until construction had came out that he had began to more heavily use his title of King whilst at Cult events, as his house became the new HQ for all clan activities(old HQ was the Varrock's S.E. church of Zamorak.) He has maintained leadership of the Zamorak Cult through all this time. He moved to appointing new cabinet members on a six months basis starting in May/June of 2009, after the election process had begun to fall apart six months prior. He still is heavily involved with citadel work, although this past Autumn he did resign from active leadership- he is still as active as ever.He is the King of Chaos More information on Vorlon can be found by asking him or a couple of veterans within the Cult.


Roxie came into contact with the Cult in 2005, just a month after she had begun playing RuneScape. She led many events shortly after with Lee Houdek and Quemasmiami. Over the next several months of her being in the Cult, she took on the role of a priestess, lighting up candles daily in the house of Vorlon. Then on 6/06/2006, King Vorlon married her and she became Queen Roxie- the minister for the ceremony was Lee Houdek. As a Queen she had 5 children (one right after another,) and elephant hips from: Shogon0, Kristin, Death10911 Thesimpson35, and Takua99. Roxie and Vorlon, in conjuction with the cabinet of their children led the Zamorak Cult through into its first days of friendchat. Shortly after the friend's chat was brought into the game, Roxie and Vorlon began to lead the cult in conjuction with a new group of Minister-Equivalents that were elected by the public. Normy was also taken into the family as Prince and helps lead the clan even today. More information on Roxie can be found by asking her, Vorlon, or many veterans of the Cult.


Five years later after Roxie53, in 2010, Normy got crowned as Prince of Zamorak Cult by Vorlon. Normy was a Minister-Equivalent/OldSchool General for a few years prior to being named Prince. Once he was named Prince he was also named heir-successor to Vorlon in the event of Vorlon ever quitting. Prior to being named Prince, he had been one of the main eventers for the Cult and one of the main Recruiters, Human Resources, and Conflict Resolution leaders within the Cult. The first Minister-Equivalent selection was the first selection done by Vorlon of a cabinet that was not involving in an election since the initial Royal Family. He also helped institute our current ranking system, bring in many of our current rules, and bring the chat back together after multiple instances of utter discord. More information on Normy can be found by asking him, Vorlon, or many veterans of the Cult.



Duke Dragorak Drakan, of ancient vampyric heritage, came to the clan in 2011 as a practiced leader of Zamorakian clans. He rose through the ranks quickly and has served at every upper level of leadership from Ministers to Overseer and in May 2015 he became a Deputy Owner of the clan just after getting his 10 year veteran cape. Dragorak, whose very name honors Zamorak, serves as the clan's chief administrator running or playing a key role in our clan's website, forums, citadel, in game settings, and social media. He has an important role in helping run and helping make decisions along with the other Deputy Owners during our clan's biannual Minister selection process. He is also famous for running the clan's annual Halloween costume contest which brings attention to the clan from across world 70. He has served as a change agent in clan leadership helping the clan grow and change as needed in fitting with the Zamorakian philosophy of progress over stagnation.

The current way of having Ministers acting as a majority voting cabinet under the supervision of the Royal Family (Vorlon, Roxie53, Normy and Dragorak) came to be as such after many adjustments were being made to the system after obtaining an official friend/clan chat (this was soon after clan chats were brought in August, 2007.) The changes that were seen included an exponential growth within the chat itself accompanied by highly active and pro-cult members. The prominent members of the Cult at the time wished to have more of a say in the legislation being done by the administration of the Cult. These few prominent members then obtained allowance to host an election where they began the official Minister equivalents done with the say of the people in a democratic fashion.

The cult is still ruled by the royalty of King Vorlon, Queen Roxie53, Prince Normy and Duke Dragorak, however, there is also the additional ten ministers that are selected every six months who can vote on new rules concerning the behavior of the cultists, bans, etc, for the Cult if the majority has it. The rank the cabinet of minister equivalents first held was that of the General rank within the friends chat, this was kept constant until April of 2011 when we moved into the clan chat. Then in the Autumn of 2011, Normy made the change in ranks that exists there today, with Ministers having the rank of Coordinator within the clan chat, and their kick ranks underneath them being at the Admin or General rank within the clan chat. Vorlon decided upon the official name of Minister in December of 2011, because of Jagex's inconsistency with rank names.

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